Human Sexuality Education
Human Sexuality Education
Our culture continually changes and many Christians drawn into the emotional trauma of having our loved ones experience temptations in lifestyles that are contrary to God's plan for sexuality; or perhaps we ourselves are tempted. We know that God does not change and neither does His Word. The ALC Balm of Gilead has been searching the scriptures and creating new educational material regarding God's plan for human sexuality, as promised in the introduction to the topic at the convention in New Hampshire in the summer of 2022. We plan to present each subject as a lesson along with a PDF printable guide for further study. Please carry our team in prayer as we continue to study these difficult and often sensitive subjects. Our goal is to provide resources and help to anyone who needs them. We want you to know that you are not alone in seeking His direction in these sensitive topics. We may not have all the answers, but know the One who does.